Is there a particular music genre or type of music video that you like? If so name it, embed the music video from from youtube and explain why you like it
I particularly like pop videos as they usually are very upbeat and and can relate to a modern TA more, whereas more classical genres target older audiences and have more traditional music videos. Also pop videos use a wider range of technology in their music videos which can relate to the ideas for my music video.
This is the music video for Michael Jacksons song 'The Way You Make Me Feel' and I chose to analyse this video as it includes many intriguing shot types that I would like to use in my music video. One type of shot that I like in particular is the medium close up 2 shot of the couple at the end of the video where the mise en scene has been edited so you cannot see the faces of the couple but see their dark shadows with ambient lighting used in the background to make it light so the couple stand out to the viewer and can tell what their actions are clearly. I feel that there is a type of fan blowing to make the females hair look like it is blowing in the wind which could make her look more attractive and show the effect of the sexual tension like the man is blowing her away.
Another shot that I like is the long shot of the males in the street. I like this because it clearly shows that Michael is the leader of the group because he is directly in the middle of them all as there are 5 of them. again the mise en scene is altered so you can see the dark figures of the men all stood in a line, however it has what looks like a broken car behind them which could suggest that they are in a broken down street. You can make from the outline of the guy on the left that he is wearing a cap on backwards and the rest are in quite 'gangster/street' like clothing, which could work in cohesion with the location that they are in. Also it could represent their social class and could suggest that they are lower class.
Whereas the woman looks as if she is of a middle class as you can see she is wearing make up and jewellery which could also add a sense of sexual tension. She is also wearing a black dress which could represent her as a dark figure. However in this image you can see that the light is on the females face as there is a dark background which could represent her as a bright character. This close up shot of the woman's face shows her reaction to the mans anger, which is quite stereotypical as the male seems pretty angry, which is a stereotype of men.
This shot is very interesting because the males actions shows his sexual nature and intensions. This is very stereotypical of men as they are stereotyped to always want sex and be the gender that cares most about having sex, this also represents the meaning behind the singers lyrics and suggests that the song is very sexual. Again, like the group shot of the men, the males clothes represents him as a 'gangster/street/ character and that he is wearing a blue shirt over the top of his t-shirt which is a very stereotypical male colour and could represent his masculinity.
Initial thoughts?
I am quite excited to do a music video as I feel that I can contribute a lot of my skills from my AS work and use them for my A2 task. I will want to create an image that a modern day audience can relate to and will enjoy. Now days people like to have a good looking and young artist so when I look for my artist I will have to take this into consideration and maybe even use some make up on my artist to make them look appealing. I will have to create a theme and a genre that is consistent throughout my artists music, e.g. if I use a rock theme I will need to use stereotypical dark colours and research rock songs that I can create a video for. One problem I will have to face is getting the permission to do the song from the official artists, for example I have an idea to use the song 'Demons' by Imagine dragons, so I will have to get in contact with the group to get permission to do the song, so it might be better to find a song that has no official music video.
What skills do you think you will need to develop?
I feel the skills I will need to develop are my editing skills as it took me a while to edit a still image for my magazine so it will be harder to edit in my A2 as it consists of moving images so I will need to consider the time it takes to to edit my artist in the video. I will have to develop my camera skills as I have only used a camera to take photos of a still image, now I will have to use the camera to film a moving image of my artists. I will have to consider the different camera shots to express power, stereotyping and representation. I will want to use over cranking and under cranking in my video to try and express emotion and feeling in the video, but I will also express these features by using a few close ups and extreme close ups of the artists face and eyes.
What are you looking forward to the most?
I am looking forward to doing the filming and finding the locations the most as it will be very interesting to to do the research to find out about what location will be able to attract my TA. I am also looking forward to coming up with different ideas for my video as I feel that I have many ideas to contribute to my video.
What worries you the most?
I am worried about trying to get the copyright for the song that I want to use in my music video, as my song idea for my music video is 'Demons' by Imagine Dragons and I am struggling to find an email address for the band to message them asking for their permission to us the song. I am also worried about capturing emotion and feeling that the artist has from the song, for example I will use different shot types to represent power and to gather emotion to make the audience really feel for the artist in the song. However I also worry about using the song 'Demons' as it already has an 'Official video' so there is a high possibility that the group will not let me use it for my music video.