The establishing shot for this shows off the red of the car which is a representation of love and power which could suggest that she is a strong woman. Also a medium longshot is used when filming the car this suggests that the artist wants to show of shes driving and the car she is driving as it is an older model car which could work in cohesion with her dress code as she is dressed like someone from the 80's with the black leather and the quiff hairstyle.
Again like the first shot she is showing off her 80's style as we can see clearly now what clothes she is wearing. I have noticed that she is always center frame throughout the video which tells us that she is the main artists in the video. It also shows that she is wearing black which is a representation of mystery and is associated with power, which shows strong visual signs (Barthes)
This is a longshot of the pair entering the shop which could be classed as quite cheesy like some of the videos from the 80's as I researched the video and it is meant to be a mick take of Grease as the video was directed by Jonah Hill who is a comedian so the intention for it was meant to be funny as they are meant to be gangster type people dancing around in a supermarket.
In these 2 shots she is touching the woman and she falls to the ground and in the second shot she is getting up and she is wearing the same outfit as Sara. This could add to the comedy of the video as a middle aged woman is dressed in black leather and is dancing around like a teenager. This also gives the idea of costume changes as Sara's costume stays the same throughout the video but the other people around her are changing costumes. It could have the idea that Sara is giving the people around her strength and positivity, like she is bringing the store to life through her energy.
In this longshot she slides into camera to make it quite energetic and again cheesy. She is framed in this shot by the shelves with all the vegetables on as this could suggest that the video could be an advertisement to get people to eat healthier and it will give them lots of positive energy. I feel that another reason that the vegetables are there as it adds colour and a sense of realism to the video as it looks like people are just shopping like everyday shoppers in the background.
This close up shot of her at the counter uses diegetic sound from the bell as she hits it and it rings in the song. This could represent the mood that she is in and how she is just fooling around and is having fun with her freedom now she has split up with her ex.
In this close up she uses a pull focus of her as she is center frame and the rest are behind her stood in a formation. This is quite common in her videos as she uses it in her music video for 'Brave' as I feel that she is trying hard to express her emotions and is showing people that she has people behind her to back her up.
A tracking shot is used to show her walking towards the camera and and away from it. I feel that this is done to show of her confidence as she is walking away from the people to show she can cope by herself. She has been framed by the shopping isles, as the shelves closing her in and making her center frame so she is the thing to focus on. This also could follow the theory of Winship 'the gaze' as in this part of the video she gazes into the camera trying to show off her strong use of make up to make her look pretty and the use of black around her eyes to make her look tough and strong.
This longshot is used to show them dancing down the isle with the bright colours bursting off the shelves to represent the bright and cheery mood to the music video. It could be used to create a party atmosphere like she is celebrating that she is single and the freedom that she now has. This could follow the the theory of Goodwin 'performance, narrative and concept' as this is purely a video based around her performing and singing into camera.
This close up shot is different to the rest of the shots as usually she is center frame but in this shot the camera pans around to show everyone else's enjoyment. Also the shot is under cranked which is quite stereotypical in party type music videos as it shows the confetti flying around and the emotion on peoples faces to show that they are having a good time.
In this longshot of her you can see she has gone through a costume change which is to a more modern style of clothing. The music has stopped and it has just left her singing and dancing by herself in the store which suggests that the video was like a fantasy and all in her imagination of her having a good time. This also adds to the comedic effect to the video as she is making herself look silly because she is singing solo and slightly out of tune like a school girl in her room.
It then shows the guard coming to sort her out and take her out of the store. There are subtitles to show what he is saying to her as he is speaking a different language, which could suggest that she is in a foreign country enjoying herself.
How this has influenced my ideas and planning
- I like the idea of people getting involved in the video when she touches them
- I like the use of a pull focus on her
- I like the use of comedy used in the video
- I like the use of over cranking in the video as it highlights the fun that they are having
- I like the use of close ups when she is looking into camera to really show off her make up
What about shot types and camera movement? Add these to your list.